Best Short French Film Foolish .|. certificate
Best Short International Film Lauren in the Bathroom .|. certificate
Best Short Director Cinephile .|. certificate
Best Short Producer Pavement .|. certificate
Best Short Actor Mollusks .|. certificate
Best Short Actress The Little Match Girl .|. certificate
Best Female Cinematographer Teal to Orange – (Yoshika Horita) .|. certificate
Best Female Editor Unattached .|. certificate
Best Female Composer THE LINGERING .|. certificate
Best Female Script writer Master Speesa! .|. certificate
Best unproduced script written bt a women Aimo .|. certificate
Best First-time female filmmaker between the tides .|. certificate
Best Short Documentary Everybody’s Granddaughter .|. certificate
Best short Animation Queen Mab .|. certificate
Best short Experimental Alone Together .|. certificate
Best short Horror Ostinato .|. certificate
Best short Comedy Black People Don’t Tango .|. certificate
Best short Human Rights Breakfast .|. certificate
Best short Environmental TERMINUS .|. certificate
Best short LGBT The Ever Hours .|. certificate
Best Web/Tv/Pilot Cray .|. certificate
Best Music Video ORNETTE – Sometimes I Feel .|. certificate
Best short Student Film Retribution .|. certificate
Best Poster Unborn .|. certificate
Best feature film 8:37 REBIRTH .|. certificate
Best female feature film director (Im)Patient .|. certificate
Best female feature film producer Nafkot – Yearning .|. certificate
Best female feature film writer Róise & Frank .|. certificate
Best short film about women The Rise of Whore Betsy .|. certificate
Best feature film about women Ina’s Circle .|. certificate